Green Brook Baptist Church
Building Believers To Effectively Bless and Bridge Others.
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Green Brook Baptist Church is a congregation of believers who seek to live daily in relationship with scriptural truth and Holy Spirit-empowered grace. Located at 170 Greenbrook Road in Green Brook, NJ 08812, we hold in-person services on Sundays at 11:00 AM. Services are also streamed online. All are welcome.
Ready To Serve You
David Sera Josef
Senior Pastor
Paolo Sera Josef
Youth Pastor
Our Core Beliefs
The following are the core beliefs of Green Brook Baptist Church based on the foundational truths taught in the bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.
We believe the Bible is God’s word to us, written by human authors as they were guided by the Holy Spirit. In it, God reveals Himself so that He may be known. It is the final word on Christian belief and lifestyle, and is without error in its original manuscripts.
We believe in one God who exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each person is fully God, possessing the nature, the power, and the attributes of the divine, particularly God’s steadfast, undying love, and his tender, compassionate mercy toward humanity.
We believe we are created in God’s image to glorify God, to worship God, and to mutually enjoy fellowship with God. This is God’s purpose and intent for us.
We believe all people are sinful by nature because of the fall of man through Adam’s disobedience, and are unable to return to fellowship with God on their own; they need a savior.
We believe Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, was born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life on earth, died on a cross, was buried, was raised from the dead on the third day, ascended into heaven, and will personally and visibly return from heaven.
We believe salvation is a gift from God. It is undeserved and cannot be earned or gained by one’s own means. It requires faith alone in Jesus Christ alone, that the blood he shed and his death on the cross is full payment for the sin that prevented fellowship with God. Through Jesus there is forgiveness for sin.
We believe the church is composed of the people who have trusted Jesus Christ for salvation from sin. Jesus is the head of the church and the church follows after him. The church worships God, makes Jesus known, and lives by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
We believe both the saved and the unsaved will be resurrected bodily when Jesus Christ returns from heaven – the saved resurrected to eternity in heaven by faith in Jesus Christ and the unsaved resurrected to an eternity in hell by rejection of Jesus Christ.
Church History
Green Brook Baptist Church grew from the seeds planted by Rev. Ralph N. Walter and his wife, Frances. In 1951 they began a “Good News Club” for children at their home at 15 Plantation Avenue in Green Brook. After seven years of meeting at their home, they outgrew the space and moved their Sunday School program to Town Hall. The Sunday School program continued to grow, and after a few months of meeting at the Town Hall, they moved to the Green Brook School building. The school building offered more rooms for classes that were needed to teach the over 100 children in attendance.
Moved by God and the growth of the Sunday School Program, in 1952 the Walters began church services at the school building. On June 9, 1952, it was voted by the 15-member congregation to adopt the name Greenbrook Baptist Church, and later that year, the church was granted its certificate of incorporation. The incorporators were Mrs. Florence Deneka, Charles Flores, and Rev. Walter, and Donald Coords and William Fant as Trustees. The groundbreaking service for the Green Brook Baptist Church building at its home at 170 Greenbrook Road was held on Sunday, October 10, 1957. The brick chapel was completed and dedicated in late 1959.
Since its founding, Green Brook Baptist Church has been serving the community and teaching God’s Word. Over the past 70 years, there have been changes in the church community and in 2022, Green Brook Baptist Church began working on a merger with Grace Christian Fellowship Church (GCF Church) of Middlesex, NJ. As part of the merger, the Pastors of GCF Church, Dr. David SeraJosef and Paolo SeraJosef were called as church leaders and GCF Church members were accepted into Green Brook Baptist Church membershp on June 12, 2022. The Green Brook Baptist Church and GCF Church formally joined and held their first combined service on July 3, 2022.